A TOP 20 LIST - Augusto Croce
I never loved the "best of..." lists, there
are too many factors to consider before deciding which are the best records in a
certain style, but I've been asked so many times to give my advice to interested
prog followers, that I've decided to do it at last.
This is a totally subjective list, and even if 50 titles would be
a better choice......
here are the first 20 (or 21, to be correct!):
- Zarathustra (1973) - Museo Rosenbach
- Banco del Mutuo Soccorso (1972) - Banco del Mutuo Soccorso
- Storia di un minuto (1972) - Premiata Forneria Marconi
- Alphataurus (1973) - Alphataurus
- Biglietto per l'Inferno (1974) - Biglietto per l'Inferno
- Campo di Marte (1973) - Campo di Marte
- Io non so da dove vengo... (1973) - De De Lind
- DNA (1972) - Jumbo
- Inferno (1973) - Metamorfosi
- Quella Vecchia Locanda (1972) - Quella Vecchia Locanda
- Uno (1971) - Panna Fredda
- Melos (1973) - Cervello
- Fede speranza e carità (1972) - Jet
- L'Uovo di Colombo (1973) - L'Uovo di Colombo
- Collage (1971) - Le Orme
- Palepoli (1973) - Osanna
- Ys (1972) - Balletto di Bronzo
- Arbeit macht frei (1973) - Area
- Maxophone (1975) - Maxophone
- Intorno alla mia cattiva educazione (1974) - Alusa Fallax
L'apprendista (1977) - Stormy Six
listed in order of preference, of course. No groups
have been mentioned with more than one LP, to avoid confusion.
Thanks to Guilherme Tofani, passionate and competent fan of the Italian Prog from Brazil, and owner of the
now closed Prog70
website, who persuaded me to add this list here.