

Born from the union of two old Italian record companies from the 30's, Fonit-Cetra was never a really rock-oriented label, but its production during the 70's includes some of the most relevant groups (and beautiful albums) in the Italian rock and progressive scene.

The discography below is not complete, because it would be a great work for everyone to collect all the Fonit and all the Cetra releases in every branch of music, so it just covers the LPX (most rock oriented) and LPQ (also including traditional folk artists) series of albums, along with two lonely LPP albums. 
While the albums have a unique numbering system, singles have the SP prefix when on Cetra label and SPF when they carry the Fonit name.

In recent years the popular record label changed name to Nuova Fonit Cetra, but this firm went bankrupt and the illustrious name was taken over by the Warner group, which formed Warner Fonit, now a private company.

It's strange to notice how most of these records have the Fonit name 
and some have Cetra on their label (whose design is otherwise identical).






LPX 3 New Trolls Senza orario, senza bandiera 1968 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover with inner opening - later issues with standard side opening
LPX 7 New Trolls New Trolls 1970 Cetra label - laminated single cover
compilation of singles' tracks
LPX 8 New Trolls Concerto grosso n.1 1971 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover with top opening- later issues with standard side opening
LPX 10 Osanna L'uomo 1971 laminated triple gatefold cover
LPX 11 Delirium Dolce acqua 1971 laminated triple gatefold cover
LPX 12/13 New Trolls Searching for a land 1972 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover with top flaps
LPX 14 Osanna Preludio, tema, variazioni, canzona
(soundtrack from "Milano calibro 9")
1972 textured gatefold cover
LPX 15 Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno Per...un mondo di cristallo 1972 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 16/17 Tito Schipa Jr. Orfeo 9 1973 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover with booklet
LPX 18 Delirium Lo scemo e il villaggio 1972 laminated gatefold cover
LPX 19 Osanna Palepoli 1972 laminated gatefold cover with lyric inner
LPX 20 New Trolls Ut 1972 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 21 Ivano Fossati Il grande mare che avremmo traversato 1973 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 22 Nico, Frank, Gianni, Maurizio Canti d'innocenza, canti d'esperienza 1973 textured gatefold cover with booklet
LPX 23 I Califfi Fiore di metallo 1973 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 24 Ivano Fossati - Oscar Prudente Poco prima dell'aurora 1973 released on Cetra/Numero Uno label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 26 Uno Uno 1974 laminated gatefold cover
LPX 29 Delirium Delirium III 1974 Cetra label - laminated gatefold cover
LPX 31 Tito Schipa Jr. Io ed io solo 1974 Cetra label - laminated single cover
LPX 32 Osanna Landscape of life 1974 textured gatefold cover
LPX 33 Zucchero (Giulio Zuccaro) Zucchero 1974 Cetra label - gatefold laminated cover
LPX 34 Roberto Mercanti Il viaggio di una mente 1974 laminated gatefold cover
LPX 38 Ivano Fossati Goodbye Indiana 1975 laminated single cover with poster
LPX 45 Città Frontale El Tor 1975 textured single cover with inner- black or orange label
LPX 55 Fabio Ferriani Foto di nessuno 1977 gatefold cover - orange label
LPX 56 Roberto Picchi Raggi di sole 1977 laminated gatefold cover - orange label
LPX 64 Roisin Dubh Roisin Dubh 1978laminated gatefold cover - orange label
LPX 74 MalvasiaMalvasia 1979single cover - Cetra red label
LPX 78 Giacomo Simonelli Inferno e paradiso 1979single cover - Cetra red label
LPQ 09060 Various artists Nuovi complessi d'avanguardia da Radio Montecarlo 1971 laminated flipback single cover - compilation with Delirium, la Quinta Faccia, Valerio Valerisce Group, le Macchine per Sognare, Jimmy M.E.C., I Tibu', Le Mummie, Gli Aspidi, I Cliffters
LPQ 09065 Gli Alluminogeni Scolopendra 1972 laminated gatefold cover with inner opening
LPQ 09065 La Strana Società Pop corn & cracker sax 1972 laminated single cover
LPQ 09070 Flea Topi o uomini 1972 laminated single cover
LPQ 09073 Nicosia & Co. 
Industria Musicale
Una favola vera 1973 laminated gatefold cover
LPQ 09074 Kaleidon Free love 1973 laminated single cover
LPQ 09075 Garybaldi Astrolabio 1973 laminated gatefold cover
LPQ 09080 Samadhi Samadhi 1974 textured gatefold cover
LPQ 09081 Procession Fiaba 1974 laminated gatefold cover
LPQ 09082 Alusa Fallax Intorno alla mia cattiva educazione 1974 laminated gatefold cover
LPQ 09085 Bambibanda e Melodie Bambibanda e Melodie 1974 laminated single cover 
LPP 205 Nino Tristano Suonate suonatori 1972 laminated gatefold cover - Cetra blue/silver label
LPP 227 Ricordi d'Infanzia Io uomo 1973 textured gatefold cover - Cetra blue/silver label







SPF 31262 Gli Alluminogeni L'alba di Bremit
Orizzonti lontani
SPF 31265 Tombstones Non sei tu
La radio
SPF 31273 Gli Alluminogeni Dimensione prima
La vita e l'amore
SPF 31275 L'Altro Mondo Canta e balla
Sogno di te
SPF 31280 Gli Alluminogeni Solo un attimo
SPF 31281 Le Macchine per Sognare Mi è cascato addosso
Mi è cascato addosso pt.II
SPF 31284 Delirium Canto di osanna
SPF 31288 Jimmy Mec Il Messia
Quegli occhi chiari
SPF 31289 Daniel Fra le lacrime e la terra
Una sera come tante
SPF 31290 Tito Schipa Jr. Son passati i giorni
SPF 31291 Gli Alluminogeni Troglomen
Costruendo astronavi
SPF 31293 Delirium Jesahel
King's road
SPF 31295 Delirium Haum!
SPF 31297 Delirium Dolce acqua
Favola o storia del lago di Kriss
SPF 31298 Osanna L'uomo
In un vecchio cieco
SPF 31299 La Strana Società Pop corn
Nel giardino di Tamara
SPF 31300 Delirium Treno
E' l'ora
SPF 31301 Delirium Dimensione uomo
La mia pazzia
(existence unconfirmed)
SPF 31304 La Strana Società Fiori gialli
Quella donna sei tu
SPF 31312 Uno I cani e la volpe
Popular girl
SPF 31313 Delirium Signore
Buana, the rainbow
SPF 31314 Patrizio Alluminio Tu anima mia
SPF 31325 Tomstones Paura
SPS 0430 Garybaldi Sette
Madre di cose perdute
SPS 0431 Samadhi Uomo stanco
Passaggio di Via Arpino
SPS 0434 Città Frontale El Tor
Alba di una città
IS 20124 Tritons
(on Fonit International)





SP 1355 New Trolls Sensazioni
Prima c'era luce
SP 1369 New Trolls Visioni
Io ti fermerò
SP 1381 New Trolls Cristalli fragili
Ehi tu ritorna
SP 1392 New Trolls Io che ho te
Lei mi diceva
SP 1398 New Trolls Davanti agli occhi miei
Quella musica
SP 1400 New Trolls Un'ora
Cosa pensiamo dell'amore
SP 1408 New Trolls Signore io sono Irish
SP 1415 New Trolls Una miniera
Il sole nascerà
SP 1427 New Trolls Annalisa
Allora mi ricordo
SP 1428 New Trolls Una nuvola bianca
Corro da te
SP 1445 New Trolls La più bella sei tu
Come Cenerentola
SP 1449 New Trolls Una storia
Il vento dolce dell'estate
SP 1453 New Trolls Venti o cent'anni
Una vita intera
SP 1456 New Trolls Adagio
SP 1460 New Trolls La prima goccia bagna il viso
La prima goccia bagna il viso pt.II
SP 1485 I Fratelli di Abraxa Hare vive kananda
Quel che conta di più
SP 1494 New Trolls Black hand
SP 1497 Ricordi d'Infanzia Latte e rum
Mani fredde
SP 1503 Ivano Fossati Il grande mare che avremmo traversato
All'ultimo amico
SP 1514 Tito Schipa Jr. Eccotela qui
Per la strada
SP 1532 Ivano Fossati & Oscar Prudente
(Cetra/Numero Uno label)
E' l'aurora
SP 1551 Ivano Fossati & Oscar Prudente
(Cetra/Numero Uno label)
Tema del lupo
Apri le braccia
SP 1565 Tito Schipa Jr. Io ed io solo
Non siate soli
SP 1572 Ivano Fossati Cane di strada
Concerto di plenilunio in un castello di Stoccarda
SP 1588 Ivano Fossati Goodbye Indiana
Goodbye Indiana pt.II


Finally, here below you'll find a small list of the Fonit reissues, divided into the distinct series, the Fonit 3000 (from 1975-76 with single covers usually different from the originals), Double Music (mid 70's, 2-LP low price sets), Pellicano (early 80's, and these also had single covers usually different from the originals) and Fonit/VinylMagic.(the only reissues to keep the same covers as the originals). Also included are some relevant Fonit International releases, a label that Fonit briefly used for foreign artists (one of these were the infamous fake Tritons).
The listings are not complete and will be updated as soon as there are new additions. Your help may be precious!


FONIT 3000 series





SFC 100 New Trolls New Trolls 1976 reissue of LPX 7
SFC 103 Osanna L'uomo 1976 reissue of LPX 10
SFC 138 New Trolls Ut 1976 reissue of LPX 20
SFC 188 Delirium Delirium 1978 reissue of LPX 11
SFC 201 Osanna Palepoli 1978 reissue of LPX 19
SFC 218 Tito Schipa Jr. Io ed io solo 1979reissue of LPX 31







DPU 4 New Trolls New Trolls 1975 2LP - singles compilation
DPU 70 New Trolls Searching for a land 1977 2LP - reissue of LPX 12/13
DPU 90 Ivano Alberto Fossati / Oscar Prudente Ivano Alberto Fossati / Oscar Prudente 1978 2LP - reissue of LPX 24 and LPX 38
DPU 91 Tito Schipa Jr. Orfeo 9 1978 2LP - reissue of LPX 16/17


PELLICANO series (corresponding CD's have CDP numbers)





PL 409 New Trolls Senza orario senza bandiera 1980 reissue of LPX 3
PL 410 New Trolls New Trolls 1980 reissue of LPX 7 with different design
PL 411 New Trolls Ut 1980 reissue of LPX 20
PL 412 Nico, Frank, Gianni, Maurizio Canti d'innocenza, canti d'esperienza 1980 reissue of LPX 22
PL 413 Ivano Fossati Il grande mare che avremmo traversato 1980 reissue of LPX 21
PL 414 Ivano Fossati Goodbye Indiana 1980 reissue of LPX 38
PL 415 Ivano Fossati - Oscar Prudente Poco prima dell'aurora 1980 reissue of LPX 24
PL 416 Delirium Delirium 1980 singles compilation
PL 417 Uno Uno 1980 reissue of LPX 26
PL 419 Osanna L'uomo 1980 reissue of LPX 10
PL 420 Osanna Milano calibro 9 1980 reissue of LPX 14
PL 421 Osanna Palepoli 1980 reissue of LPX 19
PL 422 Osanna Landscape of life 1980 reissue of LPX 32
PL 423 Tritons Satisfaction by Tritons 1980 reissue of ILS 9031
PL 644 New Trolls Concerto grosso n.1 1982 reissue of LPX 8
PL 648 New Trolls Concerto grosso n.2 1982 reissue of Magma MAL 02


FONIT / VINYL MAGIC series (corresponding CD's have CDLP numbers)





LPP 415 Garybaldi Astrolabio 1991 reissue of LPQ 09075
LPP 420 Califfi Fiore di metallo 1991 reissue of LPX 23
LPP 421 Delirium Delirium III 1991 reissue of LPX 29
LPP 422 New Trolls New Trolls 1991 reissue of LPX 7
LPP 423 Nico, Frank, Gianni, Maurizio Canti d'innocenza, canti d'esperienza 1991 reissue of LPX 22
LPP 424 Osanna Landscape of life 1991 reissue of LPX 32
LPP 425 Osanna Palepoli 1991 reissue of LPX 19
LPP 426 Ricordi d'Infanzia Io uomo 1991 reissue of LPP 227
LPP 427 Tito Schipa Jr. Orfeo 9 1991 reissue of LPX 16/17
LPP 428 Uno Uno 1991 reissue of LPX 26
LPP 429 New Trolls Searching for a land 1991 reissue of LPX 12/13
LPP 430 New Trolls Ut 1991 reissue of LPX 20
LPP 431 Bambibanda e melodie Bambibanda e melodie 1991 reissue of LPQ 09085
LPP 432 Delirium Dolce acqua 1991 reissue of LPX 11
LPP 433 Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno Per.. un mondo di cristallo 1991 reissue of LPX 15
LPP 434 Delirium Lo scemo e il villaggio 1991 reissue of LPX 18
LPP 435 Città Frontale El Tor 1991 reissue of LPX 45
LPP 436 Alluminogeni Scolopendra 1991 reissue of LPQ 09065
LPP 437 Flea Topi o uomini 1991 reissue of LPQ 09070
LPP 438 Samadhi Samadhi 1991 reissue of LPQ 09080
LPP 439 Procession Fiaba 1991 reissue of LPQ 09081
LPP 440 Osanna L'uomo 1991 reissue of LPX 10







ILS 9028 Lard Free Lard Free 1973 laminated single cover - French jazz-rock group
ILS 9030 Tritons Country rock live by Tritons 1973 laminated single cover - first issue
ILS 9031 Tritons Country rock live by Tritons 1973 laminated single cover with stickers - second issue
ILS 9038 Roy Young with the Tritons Rock on the road 1974 front laminated single cover - English group



Not particularly original in its design, the classic label is all black with silver writing and large Fonit or Cetra name on top side. From around late 1968 onwards all the labels carry the SIAE (copyright Italian company) logo or stamp, while the very first issue of New Trolls' first album had a BIEM logo.
A unique exception to this rule was the LPP series of albums, that usually included traditional folk music LP's and had a blue label with silver writing. The Ricordi d'Infanzia album was oddily included in this series. 

Probably around 1974-75 a new design black label with three silver Fonit logos and silver lettering, and this was changed in 1975 to an orange/black one with the same design. 
At the end of the 70's some Cetra albums have a red label with black writings that reproduces the classic design of late 60's-early 70's.
Special series (Fonit 3000, Double Music and Pellicano) from late 70's and early 80's had all different labels, Double Music having a dark red design, while Pellicano was light orange.

Since late 80's a revamped Fonit-Cetra launched a series of reissues in collaboration with Milan record shop Vinylmagic, first on CD then on vinyl. 
For most of the rarest albums (Samadhi, Ricordi d'Infanzia, Alluminogeni) this was the first vinyl reissue ever made. These reissues had a new label design with black lettering on turquoise background and were often pressed from the original matrices.


Cetra 60's label (BIEM logo)

Cetra late 60's-70's standard label (SIAE logo)

Fonit 60's-70's standard label

Fonit-Cetra International label

Cetra LPP series blue label

Fonit mid-70's black label

Fonit mid/late 70's orange label

Cetra late 70's label

Cetra 70's Double Music series label

Fonit 1980 Pellicano series label Fonit/Cetra 1991 reissues blue label

An unusual old-style Cetra label released in Venezuela


This page was first created for the dutch Musictrade web site's collectible labels list, that's sadly been discontinued, and it's presented now in revised form. 



Thanks to Manuel da Achada for the scan of the Venezuelan label and to Davide Ariaudo for some information on Fonit